VII. Resources
Links and Books

There are thousands of websites and hundreds of books on autism and related issues. The following is a selection with emphasis on those resources created or recommended by the posters of If you would like to recommend a resource, please contact us at one of the addresses at the bottom of the page.


  1. General: Autism Information Sites
    1. General Autism Links
    2. Universities, Research Institutions, and Organisations
    3. Autism Sites by ACs
  2. Related: About conditions related to autism
    1. Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders
    2. Mental Health and Behaviour Disorders
    3. Genetic and Other Syndromes
    4. Sensory and Motor Disorders
    5. Language and Learning Disorders
    6. Food Intolerances and Coeliac Disease
  3. Treatments: Treatments and therapies
    1. Communication Interventions
    2. Behavioural and Other Intensive Programs
    3. Biological Treatments
    4. Other Interventions
  4. Support: Online Support Groups
    1. E-mail Lists
    2. Newsgroups
  5. Books: Recommended Reading
See also: Insiders: Personal Websites from a.s.a posters and others.
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Originally compiled by Anna Hayward on behalf of the newsgroup, November 2000. Original site design and HTML by Kalen Molton. Please address any general queries to Mike Stanton. Broken links and problems of a technical nature should be addressed to John Muggleton by entering details in the comments box of the form here. Any opinions expressed in this article are personal and should not be construed as medical advice. We are not representatives of any of the companies discussed, nor do we receive any form of commission.

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